Physical Health

Hospitals, free medical clinics, free dental clinics, teeth-cleaning.

The experience of Fedail Hospital dates back to 1992 when it opened Sudan Clinic, the first endos...
MISSION STATEMENT Partners in Compassionate Care (PCC) exists for the purpose of providing Christ...
Royal care International aims to be the paramount hospital in the region. The application of such...
SHI is the only institute in Sudan which is fully dedicated to cardiovascular disease. From the t...
The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery is located in Soba, 20 kilometres south of Sudan’s cap...
Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan
Imperial Hospital is one of the private hospitals, located at the heart of Khartoum. Imperial Hos...
Hospital in Omdurman, Sudan
We are mainly concentrated on providing subspecialty heath care services for Sudan and nearby cou...
Oxfam is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. We help people build bett...
At a project in Sortoni, we provide treatment via outpatient and inpatient consultations. The pro...
ALISEI NGO operated in Sudan in the South Darfur region where it consolidated its presence by ope...
In Sudan, our work is all about strengthening communities. That includes investing in healthcare ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 26 results